Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mactans, Elle - Generation 1 (part 1)

Hello, Diary!
You know, considering that I won a house, you'd think I'd be smiling in this picture. But noooo. It's the "official" picture they're taking of all the winners, so since it'll be in the newspaper and all, Murphy's law. I look like a robot. Peh.

But - I DID win a house! Unbelievable. The last thing I "won" was a one-month membership to a health club. But I know they give those to everyone just to try to get you to join. Anyway, the town seems nice enough. It's fairly small, because it's new. How on earth is a town new, you may ask? I asked the same darned thing! Turns out it's one of those things you read about lately where corporations are buying huge parcels of land and making towns. I guess it makes sense, but I don't get all of it, that's for sure.

Anyway - it seems like a nice place. These three people stopped by to welcome me - they all won houses, too! Let's see - that's Cythia Ackart that I'm talking to, and then the two hotties in the background are Tommy Roanhorse and Jason Kennard. Shame they're married. I'm not sure how serious they are about it, though.

I went ahead and fixed us all cheese subs for lunch. My cooking skills are a bit - lacking - but they looked impressed. Good thing nothing actually had to be cooked, or I might have been in trouble. I could feel Tommy checking me out, too. Always good to know that you still "got it", even if the person doing the looking doesn't plan on doing anything more than looking :-)

After lunch we all headed back outside. Nothing like a water balloon fight in the summer to cool off!

Heh. Cynthia wasn't quite quick enough and Jason managed to pelt her. She was a good sport about it, though. I really like her - she's sweet.

Later that night, some other people invited me downtown with them. I was hoping to meet someone, so I figured networking isn't a bad thing, right? Right!

More proof that I "got it". Hey - when you're hot, you're hot!

OH! I almost forgot to mention - I met a guy! His name is Gabe, and he's SOOOOO cute. He's really, sweet, too. This is NOT a picture of Gabe. Gabe's a little taller than me, red hair, and a body that's just dreamy.

Must... work... off... dinner. Cripes. I never used to worry about maintaining my figure. Ever since I've moved here, though, I've had an obsession with working out. Oh, well - getting in shape isn't a bad thing, and once I get a job I'll probably have other things to occupy me. But I AM getting a killer set of abs out of the deal.

Funny that you should say that, my dear. Ah, yes. The subject is generally friendly, somewhat shallow, has exhibited behaviors of kindness, and appears to not really have a mean bone in her body. She also seems to be intelligent, so the affects of YP-890 should be easy to spot. The increased desire for physical fitness is definitely a manisfestation of the drug. -R. Agsded

Dear Diary,
I don't know what's been wrong with me, lately. I've been feeling very depressed, and not myself.

I've also been having splitting headaches, and feelings of... blind rage. It's weird, and a bit scary.

I wonder if I ought to go see a shrink?

I don't like feeling this way - like I could hurt somebody.

What is WRONG with me?!?

Subject appears to be resisting the control protocols. Interesting. Subject was instructed to invite over the man she met her first night, Gabe Hanby. He'll do as an initial trial. - R.A.

I'm waiting on Gabe to get here. I remember calling him, but it was so strange. It was as though I was watching someone else do it, as opposed to doing it myself, if that makes sense? And my head is just throbbing right now.

It's so... surreal. I remember being excited waiting for Gabe to get here. That little spark of "what if", when you first meet someone, you know? When you're wondering where things might go. But now - now I just feel empty.

Gabe doesn't understand why I seem so distant. So cold. So - angry.

And he's not going to put up with it. Or that's what he said - that he doesn't have time for game-playing.

I don't want to play games, either. I like him. He likes me. That's enough, isn't it? No! It's not enough. He shall learn! He WILL pay!

What am I saying?!? What am I thinking?

We kiss, but it's bitter-sweet. I don't know what's the matter with me, but I'm not right. I think Gabe knows it, too.

What! This is not the results we expected. The subject is fighting the effects of YP-890. The control protocols must be strengthened. Subject was given the terminate protocol for the target and did not carry out instructions. This is not acceptable. - R.A.

All I can do is think of Gabe, and wonder at what is going on. I'm scared to see him, but I'm yearning for him for some reason. But that's strange, too. We don't really know each other. I don't understand. But I find myself calling him again, inviting him over. And he accepts.

I'm drawn to him. I don't understand it. And he's drawn to me.

Certain passages of subject's record has been marked for deletion from her copy. I think it would be unwise to allow her to pore over all of her writings. Conditioning and control protocols are not functioning as they should. Precautions are being taken until we have subject functioning correctly. - R.A.

Good morning, Diary!
Today is a new day! And I have a new job! I'm working as a paramedic. How cool is that? To be able to help people, and save lives? I'm very excited. It pays well, and if I perform well, the local hospital will pay for night classes!

Only - I lost my job. I didn't even make it 'til noon. I started getting my headaches again, and I just couldn't function. It was awful. I made so many mistakes. Luckily, nobody died because of me - but I don't blame the hospital for firing me. I'm such a failure.

Gabe came over when I told him about it. It was so nice. he just held me, and for a while I could believe that everything is all right.

Dear Diary!
No luck in getting a new job, yet. Things are pretty miserable. Money is running low and I don't really know what to do. This was a bright spot, though. This little guy stopped by the house. He's beautiful, and he was friendly, too. No collar, and he's kind of skinny, so I'm thinking he's a stray. I went ahead and put some food out for him. Maybe he'll start hanging around :-)

Dear Diary,
I don't know what to do lately. My headaches are nearly constant, and I'm getting compulsive about certain things. I've become such a neat freak, in addition to a gym rat. Well, not that I can go to a gym, but I still work out at home all the time.

Dear Diary,
Cynthia's turned out to be a good friend. I think, sometimes, if it weren't for her, I'd go stark-raving mad.

Dear Diary,
It's starting to get cold out. Just a nip in the air. Interestingly enough, this woman stopped to ask for directions. We got to talking and seemed to hit it off fairly well. After about 15 minutes of talking, I mentioned that I was looking for work. She said her brother was looking for a secretary and that she'd have him call me! Yay!!!

Dear Diary,
It's been so many days since I met the girl with the lawyer brother. Watching the snow fall is just a reminder that time is passing by and still nothing is happening, except that I feel more and more alone.

Thankfully, Gabe keeps me grounded. We've been spending a lot of time together, and he's been such a rock. I don't know what I'd do without him. I think....

that tonight's the night.

And I think that he might be the one :-) Maybe everything will work out, after all!

Oh - and did I mention that the lawyer called? And that I have a job? And I haven't had a headache in weeks. Please, oh, please, oh please, let today go well...


Anonymous said...

Awww, Elle is so pretty and sweet. I hate to see what I know is coming--she's going to be changed by that drug drastically. If she keeps managing to fight the full effects, she's going to have some serious emotional baggage to try to deal with. :(

Mao said...

LOL! I love this explanation for the 'black widow' tendencies. Too bad this wasn't Aurora's problem... she is just evil. ;)

MysticSpirit said...

Oh dear. I couldn't remember who was who, so I couldn't remember which one was the Black Widow. OH NO!!! Not Gabe. Not sweet, wonderful Gabe!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Damn the drug. Damn it to HELL!

Anonymous said...

I love how Elle is fighting the Black Widow urges. This 'subject' might prove to be a little more than was bargained for. I wonder if she'll be able to resist much longer.

Arkali said...

I wonder... :) And no, I'm not exactly playing for points on these ;-)

Glad y'all like Elle.

Lisa said...

Poor Elle. She doesn't want to be a Black Widow. I hope her headaches are gone for good.

Laura said...

Poor Elle she really doesn't seem suited for a black widow, but I guess that's the point for this test.

Kristen said...

Poor girl. =( She and Gabe are cute together. And I love the changing of the seasons. =)